Dr. Valeria Breiten is currently living and practicing in Ashland, Oregon. She is primarily practicing via telemedicine utilizing homeopathy, lifestyle and herbal recommendations.Teaching and public speaking is something that Dr. Valeria enjoys and has done for many years. She has also studied storytelling. If you belong to a group that would like to learn more about nutrition, naturopathy, weight reduction or homeopathy, give her a call to schedule a time or email her at valeria@drvaleria.net Homeopathy is a passion of Dr. Valeria’s. She loves to share it with others. It was influential in the development of her book, Naturally Healthy at Home, and has helped many people improve their health. She is currently faculty with the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Dr. Valeria lived and practiced in Chandler, Arizona from 1997 to 2017. Previous to that she lived in Ashland, Oregon for 18 years, where her daughters were born. She enjoys hiking, walking, yoga, reading, storytelling and traveling.
Valeria was born in Washington state and lived there plus Idaho and California growing up. She received her bachelor’s degree from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California. Her dietetic internship was at University of Oregon Health Sciences Center in Portland, Oregon and she became a Registered Dietitian. She worked over twenty years as both a hospital dietitian and at Southern Oregon University as a faculty administrator before pursuing her dream of medical school. Dr. Valeria graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, an accredited four year naturopathic medical school. She worked a year at Integrative Gynecology, in Mesa, Arizona, before opening her own office in Chandler in 2002. In 2017 she moved back to Ashland, Oregon. She studied homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in Richmond, California, one of the premier schools of classical homeopathy for physicians, studying with Roger Morrison, MD, Nancy Herrick and Jonathan Shore, MD. She has studied with Durr Elmore, ND, in Portland, Oregon and Willa Esterson, CHC in Medford, Oregon. She learned more homeopathy in naturopathic medical school with Dr. Stephen Messer, NMD and Dr. Paul Mittman, NMD. Better Health Thru Homeopathy is a national introductory newsletter she founded and published about homeopathy for several years. She has been seeing homeopathy patients since 1995. She is on faculty at the American Medical College of Homeopathy, founded by Dr. Todd Rowe, MD, in Phoenix, Arizona. She was involved from its first inception in 2000. Dr. Valeria Breiten enjoys working with highly sensitive patients and has successfully treated many patients. She relates to them due to her own sensitivities and is able to help them with therapies such as homeopathy and scenar which are FDA approved and appropriate. She is also able to make practical suggestions from her experience and her clinical experience. Dr. Valeria has been excited about studying and using Scenar since it was cleared by the FDA for pain treatment in the United States in 2010. It works synergistically with homeopathy and other holistic therapies because it is helping the body heal the root issues and relieve pain. She has completed Levels 1, 2 and 3 training, plus she is now an internationally certified trainer for Scenar level 1 and Scenar level 2 courses. Dr. Breiten was previously Dr. Wyckoff.