Pain Management

For years I’ve enjoyed working with patients to support their well-being with the powerful medicine of targeted homeopathy. I’m pleased to now be able to offer you a complimentary treatment approach, providing you a swifter path to the well-being you deserve.
Scenar technology gets to the root cause of any discomfort – physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual, and “course correct” the system. Developed to treat Russian astronauts in space, Scenar has been researched internationally for over 30 years and it has been cleared by the FDA. It has been shown to be effective to:
In homeopathy, well-being is identified as having creativity and freedom. Patients have found the combination of homeopathy and Scenar provides a very rapid and effective path to well-being and the freedom you desire.
What my patient’s have experienced with Scenar treatments:

Control – you’ll feel a slight tingling sensation as it gently moves on your skin during the treatment. You tell me if this sensation gets too intense, and I can immediately adjust.

Peace and calm – regardless of where we’re working, Scenar calms the nervous system, and you will become relaxed.

Pain relief – we typically start working where you say you have pain. Most people notice immediate pain relief in those areas and the pain begins to shift to other areas. This movement is very positive, we want the pain to move.

Emotional freedom – with pain and discomfort removed, most people naturally shift to feeling happier, more joy, or simply notice something unknown has evaporated.

More about the Scenar process:
I look forward to working with you with Scenar on your journey to well-being as you move:
Suppressing symptoms
Physical constriction and pain
Emotional turmoil
Mental fog
Addressing and releasing root cause
Movement and opening to possibilities
Calm and a positive emotional landscape
I look forward to working with you with Scenar on your journey to well-being as you move: